The Palturai BusinessGraph
The Palturai BusinessGraph consists of many millions of companies and people and many more relationships. It makes the existing but unknown interconnections and dependencies of your business partners transparent and usable.
Public data of the highest quality condensed in a unique data model make the BusinessGraph the perfect platform for numerous AI-supported algorithms.
Many hundreds of millions of nodes and relationships enable different use cases: BusinessGraph helps financial service providers to grow more efficiently in wealth management. In addition, many companies and authorities use BusinessGraph to reduce the costs of fraud.

Get to know your own network
Empower your colleagues to use their own network and the network of their customers in a targeted manner. The BusinessGraph helps salespeople, fraud managers and investigative staff to win customers and combat (fraud) risks much more efficiently.
Do you store your customer data in your CRM or banking system? As digital index cards?
The BusinessGraph is the transparency tool that reveals the existing but previously unknown interrelationships of your business partners and makes them usable.
It changes everything when you view customers not in isolation, but as part of a network!
Your benefits
Faster sales success
50% shorter sales cycles through warm introductions to specific target groups.
Strong employee loyalty
High employee satisfaction thanks to relief from unpopular research activities.
Detection of fraud
Analyze suspicious cases and nip fraud attempts in the bud.
Research in record time
Reduce research times by 90%.
In use in numerous industries
Banks, insurance companies and authorities rely on us
Numerous loyal customers use the Palturai BusinessGraph to maximize the effectiveness of their sales force, track down business fraudsters and optimize a wide range of business processes through effective, lightning-fast research. This helps, for example, in the acquisition of wealthy new customers, the convenient preparation of customer appointments, the detection of suspicious cases in the portfolio or the checking of applications from financial service providers and authorities.
Powerful algorithms
Company Sale Prediction
Use our AI algorithms and find out which companies are most likely to be sold next year – and who will benefit economically.
Uncover fraud networks automatically or through research and use this knowledge as early as the application review stage.
Cash Events
Find out at an early stage which companies and their subsidiaries are selling assets in order to place your offer here.
Fraud Prediction Index
Be up to date when it comes to the likelihood of a company defrauding you and protect yourself by scrutinizing the business relationship.
Shortest Path
Let our shortest path algorithm calculate which of your contacts can provide you with a warm introduction to your target customer.

- Numerous companies and authorities already trust us. Get to know our reference customers and find out how the Palturai BusinessGraph can make your work easier!
- Let customers in your industry show you how they quickly reached potential and, above all, qualified customers.
- Become a reference customer and use the Palturai network to increase your reach.