Kategorie-Archive: Public

Palturai goes Austria – an exciting article in the ACstyria magazine

For the second time, we are represented in the “Steirische Mobilität” magazine of ACstyria in Austria. The magazine is aimed at companies and decision-makers from the ACstyria Mobility Cluster network, a network of around 300 companies from the automotive, aerospace and rail systems sectors - with over 70,000 employees and a total turnover of more than 17 billion euros. Like Palturai, the core service of the cluster, which has been in existence since 1995, is the networking of companies. (more…)

Gold trading and tax evasion: how Palturai could have assisted with disclosure

The main defendants come from the Hells Angels milieu: confusion as a principle, gold deals, missing millions and rockers. Sounds like a mystery, and it is. After investigations by the Hamburg tax investigation department, four men were arrested and charged with tax evasion amounting to 27 million euros. SPIEGEL researched the matter and presented the sophisticated business model in a video and explained the suspected VAT fraud. (more…)